October 2022
Hello from pastures new!
Many years ago, while still basking in my roaring 20s, I got a job overseeing the email marketing programme at Harvey Nichols. I used to hit ‘send’ several times a day to various customer segments, and then sprint out of the office for lunch in case I had accidentally typed an explicative in the subject line. I sent hundreds of thousands of emails a week.
So, the irony is not lost on me that since launching jolaing.com, I have sent a total of 5 emails… over 3 years! I should be sacked. And I still got a tummy flip sending this one.
Of course, the last thing I want to do, is fill your inboxes with unnecessary noise on a weekly basis. I personally hate it when a business that I once interacted with to buy printer ink bombards me daily with essential office supplies. But it struck me that I should do better than one communication every 8 months. And perhaps sharing some of the behind the scenes chaos might explain why my marketing and social media calendar has fallen by the wayside. With that in mind I have launched a blog and a monthly newsletter.
Earlier this year we made the big decision to move out of London. It had not been our short-term intention… or I would never have spent 85 hours hand-painting a secret garden in the girls’ playroom the year before. I love London. Deep within my soul. I know the first time I step onto Euston’s dirty platform (thankfully still within commuter distance!) my heart will skip a beat. However, life’s crossroads have a funny way of creeping up on you.
A few weeks ago, in a whirlwind of chaos, we relocated to very rural pastures new. We packed up all our worldly belongings for the 6th and I hope FINAL time since our 6 year olds were born (your do the maths). We got the keys to a derelict dream house that is damper than an otter’s pocket. And the twins have confidently canon-balled into a new school and come out smiling – my total heroes!
So it has been BUSY! But not so busy that I don’t notice when my phone pings with an order and I literally beam with excitement. And never so time poor that I have not scribbled Christmas ideas on the side of packing boxes.
There are some exciting launches coming up. Two of which have taken over a year of effort to realise. And I can’t wait to share them with you in the run up to the festive madness.